Sunday, July 17, 2011

Classed Choropleth Map

Classed Choropleth Maps use color in order to differentiate spaces of land with differences when applying the same variable such as the population of men to women which is depicted in this map. This map outlines distribution of males per every 100 females in the united states.

Similarity Matrix

Similarity Martix's are maps that consist of small squares that make up a matrix. The Similarity Matrix that is displayed shows the similarity of phenotypes for 10 bacterial strains. Scores with larger numbers are assigned to characters that are similar.

Geologic Map

Geologic maps depict an area of land each color represents a different geologic makeup. This is a map of guam.

Lorenz Curve

A Lorenz curve shows the degree of inequality that exists in the distributions of two variables, and is often used to illustrate the extent that income or wealth are distributed unequally in a particular society.

Population Profile Map

These types of maps are designed to depict population over a piece of land as well as other statistics that go along with population such as age and sex. This map is of Texas and it depicts amount of population, as well as density, sex, and age. There is also a pie chart on the side that depicts race in the state.

Choropleth Map

Choropleth maps are used in order to show statistical data as it pertains to an area of land, or many areas of land such as states in this particular map. This map shows the amount of water consumed by each states population in the United States in millions of gallons.

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps have been used for years in attempt to sway the views of people with distorted and often times untrue depictions. This particular map is a Nazi propaganda map depicting the Star of David as a wall and the people of Europe are trapped inside.

Contour Map

.This contour map is a representation of prediction of temperature in the United States. This differences in temperature are represented by color choices and the contours depict areas where the climate is generally the same.

Hyposometric Map

This type of map uses differences in shading of colors to identify changes in elevation. This particular map is a map of the ocean floor where the lighter shades of blue represent shallower waters and the darker shades of blue represent deep waters.

Range Graded Proportional Circle Map

This map is just like the regular proportional circle maps except for the differences in the size of the circles are used to depict larger data sets unlike in proportional circle maps where there would just be more circles. This particular map outlines Mexican minorities in the western United States.

Correlation Matrix

A correlation matrix uses statistics to show the linear strength between two different sets of data. These are represented on both the axis. The matrix posted is used to show a correlation for genetic proteins.

Pictograph Map

Pictograph maps often outline actual land space like a regular PLSS map or similar would however they use pictures or drawings to depict the types of things that are inside of these land areas. This map is of the State of New York near Lake Ontario.

Mental Map

Mental maps show a depiction of a series of thoughts or processes that the brain thinks. This particular map outlines how using, the search engine, you can get to just about any website on the internet. This is of course if you are under the impression that is the central hub for all of the internet, which some people say is very true these days.

Standardized Cloropleth Map

These types of maps also use color to outline differences across land concerning a variable. The variable in this map is concentration of persons under the age of 14 years old in Canada and was issued by the Census.

Univariate Cloropleth Map

These types of maps use colors to outline a specific variable across land. The variable that is being measured in this particular map is concentration of persons who are considered under the poverty line in the United States.

Isopach Map

Isopach maps are used to define the thickness within flat pieces of land. This is an Isopach map of Mount Pinatubo in California that erupted on June 15, 1991.

Isohyet Map

This is an Isohyet map of Texas and it shows the mean or average annual rainfall or snow from 1951 to 1980. The westward deflection depicted shows major rainfall in the adjacent areas surrounding it.

Isotach Map

Isotach maps show outlines of land surface as it relates to elevation as well as direction of windflow. This particular map is of the Appalachian Mountains and could be used to help predict major areas of snowfall. 


LIDAR maps are used to represent elevation over a certain surface. This particular LIDAR map was used after 9/11 in order to analyse which types of cranes would be needed to remove rubble.

Statistical Map

Statistical maps represent variables as they pertain to certain parts of land. This particular map represents change in population in the United States from 1990 to 2000.

Flow Map

Flow maps are mostly used to identify migration of persons, animals, or anything else that moves from one place to another. This particular map represents freight trucks in the United States in 1998 and could be considered useful for urban developers and people at department of transportation regarding everything from road maintenance to new highway placement.

Isoline Map

Isoline maps use lines to identify variances in land such as water runoff which is depicted in this map. This map outlines water run off patterns of China and could be very useful for urban planning.


DEM, or digital elevation maps are digital representations of actual land. These types of maps are useful for people who are studying geography or computer programing.

Hyposometric Map

Hypsometric maps are used in order to show differences in elevation across land. Designers of these types of maps use differences in colors in order to differentiate between differences in elevation. This is a hypsometric map of France where the lighter colors represent higher elevations and the darker colors represent lower elevations.

Cadastal Map

Cadastal maps are used to identify ownership of land. This particular map shows differences in ownership and actual land use.

Thematic Map

Thematic maps use color in order to identify vegetation and specific types of land. This particular map outlines the different types of land found in Canada

Topographic Map

Topographic maps use lines and patterns of lines in order to outline elevation of specific areas. This particular map is of a rock quarry in Mexico.


DLG, or digital line graphs represent areas of land or space using lines. This form of map was designed by the US geological survey and this particular map represents a part Washington D.C.

Unclassed Choropleth Map

This type of choropleth map is much like the unstandardized choropleth map however there are no dots indicating information. This particular map represents the proportion of ages of children in different areas of a state.

Unstandardize Choropleth Map

This type of map is used to show statistic information as it pertains to space. In the map linked the three different color's represent different states and the shades of colors represent ski shops in each county which are also represented by a dot.

Bilateral Map

Bilateral maps are much like line graphs however they represent many different statistical variables. This particular map outlines Japans spending on programs that pertain to the environment.

Nominal Area Choropleth Map

Nominal Area Choropleth maps are used to identify statistical information as it pertains to land. This particular map outlines states with high populations of minorities.


Cartogram maps are designed to limit distortion of statistics applied to a regular map. For instance this particular cartogram is of the United States in 2008 and represents support for Democrats and Republican votes in the presidential election.

Infrared Areal Photo

Infrared lenses are used to show differences in heat on land. In this particular photo the red shows land and the blue shows water. This type of mapping is useful to look at changes in the environment over time.

Stem and Leaf Plot

Stem and leaf plots are used to outline numerical data into an organized fashion. The stem is used to represent the first number and the leaf represents the second number as well as the frequency of the number.

Stream Flow Map

Stream flow maps are used to outline data over a set amount of time such as years, days, months, hours, ect. This particular stream flow outlines the amount of percipitation in the United States from 2001 to 2008.

Cartographic Animation

Cartographic animations are used to depict weather movements across a part of the earth. These animations are moving and are typically seen on television or somewhere else where there can be continuous pictures. This particular map is an image taken from a cartographic animation of a small storm system in the United States.


Climographs are used to outline climate and rainfall in a specific area over the course of a year. This can be very useful for anyone who is looking to plan an event that is dependent on good weather. This type of map is a mixture of a histogram as well as a dot-plot style of map when adding another variable such as temperature.


Histograms  are graphical representations of data showing a visual impression of the distribution of data by using bars. This particular histogram is what is commonly referred to as a bell curve.

Hyposometric Map

These types of maps depict elevation and/or reliefs in land. Shading these maps gives a three dimensional depiction of the elevation of relief in the land. Each color on the map represents a different amount of elevation. This particular map is the island of Cuba.

Triangular plot

Triangular plots represent three different variables such as percent of voters which can be seen in this particular plot map. This type of map is useful because it shows a graphical measurement that compares three variables on a three equal sided triangle leaving little to me misinterpreted.

Scatter Plot

Scatter plots use dots on a grid composed of two variables in order to tell if there is a correlation between these variables. This particular scatter plot outlines years of experience with dollar income and you can clearly see a correlation between the two variables.  The solid line in the middle represents the pattern between the variables, in this case it is a positive increase. 

Wind Rose map

Wind rose maps give us graphical representation of data such as wind, representing the direction, speed, and distribution in a certain location. These types of maps can be useful for anyone who is interested in anything from flying a kite or plane or even weather forecasting.


The Public Land Survey System type of map is very important because it legally outlines land parcels. This particular map shows the United States and it's interior, separate townships within states.

Box Plot

This box plot map outlines the energy efficiency of four separate machines. These types of maps are great for identifying differences in groups of data using a graphical plot. The box is made up of the the middle 50% of the data and the top and bottom of the box are the upper and lower quartiles. The lines going up and down from the box represent the minimum and maximum measurements.

Star Plot

Star plot maps are designed to represent statistical variables between one or more thing. Each "ray" of the star plot is proportional to the size of the variable making a graphical outline that is easy to see which variable is considered an outlier, or normal.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Dot Distribution Map

This particular dot distribution map uses blue dots to signify corn harvesting in 2002. Each dot represents 10,000 acres of harvested corn.

Proportional Circle Map

This Proportional circle map I have  found very interesting as it depicts democratic support for Barack Obama with the blue dots and Republican support for John McCain as the red dots. The differentiation in size depicts the amount of supporters in the county relative to population

Propaganda Map

This is a map drawn by a Japanese person depicting a Russian threat to the east. This map is considered very powerful propaganda material for it's time.

Planimetric Map

This map is a Planimetric Map of Tallahassee and direct surrounding areas. This particular type of map shows the Highway system and major connecting roads. This is considered a useful map for many who use the public road system in and around Tallahassee