Sunday, July 17, 2011

Classed Choropleth Map

Classed Choropleth Maps use color in order to differentiate spaces of land with differences when applying the same variable such as the population of men to women which is depicted in this map. This map outlines distribution of males per every 100 females in the united states.

Similarity Matrix

Similarity Martix's are maps that consist of small squares that make up a matrix. The Similarity Matrix that is displayed shows the similarity of phenotypes for 10 bacterial strains. Scores with larger numbers are assigned to characters that are similar.

Geologic Map

Geologic maps depict an area of land each color represents a different geologic makeup. This is a map of guam.

Lorenz Curve

A Lorenz curve shows the degree of inequality that exists in the distributions of two variables, and is often used to illustrate the extent that income or wealth are distributed unequally in a particular society.

Population Profile Map

These types of maps are designed to depict population over a piece of land as well as other statistics that go along with population such as age and sex. This map is of Texas and it depicts amount of population, as well as density, sex, and age. There is also a pie chart on the side that depicts race in the state.

Choropleth Map

Choropleth maps are used in order to show statistical data as it pertains to an area of land, or many areas of land such as states in this particular map. This map shows the amount of water consumed by each states population in the United States in millions of gallons.

Propaganda Map

Propaganda maps have been used for years in attempt to sway the views of people with distorted and often times untrue depictions. This particular map is a Nazi propaganda map depicting the Star of David as a wall and the people of Europe are trapped inside.